Google Analytics 4 Metrics
HubSpotAd Revenue
Ad Revenue is a digital marketing metric that measures the t...
Advertising Exposure
Ad unit exposure measures the total amount of time your ad w...
Average Revenue Per User
Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is a company's generated rev...
DAU/MAU Ratio (Daily Active Users to Monthly Active Users ra...
Page Views
Page Views, as commonly used with Google Analytics, is the c...
Pages Per Session
Pages per Session, sometimes referred to as Page Views per S...
Percent New Users
Percent New Users gives the percentage of new users that vis...
Revenue is defined as the income generated through a busines...
A Session, sometimes called a Visit, is the set of interacti...
Sessions per User
Sessions per User counts the average number of sessions init...
Users is the count of both new and returning visitors to you...
Website Events
Website Events, or simply Events, are specific to Google Ana...