Mailchimp Metrics
HubSpotClick To Open Rate
Click To Open Rate (CTOR) is the percentage of unique clicks...
Email Bounce Rate
Email Bounce Rate is the percentage of emails that have not...
Email Click Rate
Email Click Rate is the number of unique recipients who clic...
Email Clicks
Email Clicks is an email marketing metric that counts the to...
Email Forwards
Email Forwards is a count of the number of times an email wa...
Email Hard Bounce Rate
Email Hard Bounce Rate is the percentage of sent emails that...
Email Hard Bounces
Email Hard Bounces counts the number of emails that have not...
Email Ignore Rate
Email Ignore Rate is the percentage of sent emails that are...
Email Open Rate
Email Open Rate is the percentage of all delivered emails th...
Email Opens
Emails Opens counts the total number of times your email was...
Email Soft Bounce Rate
Email Soft Bounce Rate is the percentage of emails out of th...
Email Soft Bounces
Email Soft Bounces counts the number of emails that have not...