LinkedIn Ads Metrics
HubSpotAd Clicks
Ad Clicks, or simply Clicks, is a marketing metric that coun...
Ad Impressions
Ad Impressions (IMPR) is a count of the total number of time...
Ad Spend
Ad Spend is the amount of money spent on specific ad variati...
Campaign Engagement
Campaign Engagement is the sum of total engagement that has...
Campaign Engagement Rate
Campaign Engagement Rate is the sum of total engagement with...
Campaign Impressions
Campaign Impressions is a count of the total number of times...
Campaign Spend
Campaign Spend is the amount of money spent on advertisement...
Click-Through Rate
Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the percentage of clicks on your...
Cost Per Click
Cost Per Click (CPC) is the price an advertiser pays a publi...
Cost Per Thousand
Cost Per Thousand (CPM), also called Cost Per Mille, is a ma...
New Followers
This metric measures the number of New Followers you've gain...
Post Comments
A Post Comment, or simply Comment, is a primarily text-based...