Chief Revenue Officer
MRR Growth Rate
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Growth Rate is the velocity...
Monthly Recurring Revenue
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the sum of all subscripti...
Net MRR Churn Rate
Net Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Churn Rate is the percen...
Net Revenue Retention Rate
Net Revenue Retention (NRR) Rate, also known as Net Dollar R...
Net Sales
Net Sales consists of gross sales less any discounting, prod...
Open Opportunities (Revenue)
The Open Opportunities (Revenue) metric measures the total r...
Open Opportunities (Weighted Revenue)
Open Opportunities (Weighted Revenue) is calculated by multi...
Opportunities represents a qualified lead that indicates the...
Payment Acceptance
Payment acceptance is the percentage of payments that are su...
Propensity to Renew
Propensity to Renew is a measure of the likelihood a custome...
Revenue is defined as the income generated through a busines...
SaaS Magic Number
The SaaS Magic Number is a ratio showing yearly recurring r...