Requester Wait Time
Last updated: Jan 27, 2023
What is Requester Wait Time?
Requester Wait Time (Calendar) is the total combined time a ticket was in the new, open, and on-hold statuses. This number is measured only after a ticket's status changes to pending, solved, or closed. Unlike Full Resolution Time, Requester Wait Time does not take into account pending time – the status set when a ticket is waiting for an answer from the requester.
Requester Wait Time Formula
How to calculate Requester Wait Time
A user submits a ticket at 9am. This ticket is marked as new and eventually open as a customer support rep is assigned. At 10am the user receives a reply from the support agent, and the ticket is now categorized as pending. It's not until 12 noon that the user replies to the agent, marking the ticket as open again. At 2pm the support agent fully answers the user's question and marks the ticket as solved. Requester Wait Time is 1 hour + 2 hours = 3 hours
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