First Contact Resolution Tickets (FCR Tickets)

Last updated: Jan 30, 2023

What is First Contact Resolution Tickets

First Contact Resolution Tickets is the count of customer tickets that are marked as solved by agents on the first attempt. Whether it's a single phone call, a chat conversation or an email response - the customer leaves happy and so does your staff!

First Contact Resolution Tickets Formula

ƒ Count(Solved tickets on first attempt)

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More about First Contact Resolution Tickets

First Contact Resolution (FCR) Tickets is a popular metric however, as with many customer support metrics, when pushed too far, customer satisfaction is likely to suffer.

You need to keep a close eye on this metric in relation to Ticket Reopen Rate to make sure quality isn’t decreasing as the number of FCR tickets is increasing. If agents are solving tickets on their first attempt but failing to thoroughly tackle the source of the issue, customers can end up feeling dissatisfied with the service experience.