Won Opportunities

Last updated: Sep 22, 2023

What is Won Opportunities

Won Opportunities is the count of sales opportunities that are “Closed Won”. It is a measure of success of the Sales, Marketing, and Product teams. "Closed Won" is the stage at which a quote or proposal has been signed or electronically accepted and is now considered fulfillable. Counter to Won Customers, Won Opportunities apply to both new and existing customers.

Won Opportunities Formula

ƒ Count(Won Opportunities)

Start tracking your Won Opportunities data

Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Won Opportunities instantly.

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How to visualize Won Opportunities?

When it comes to visualizing your Won Opportunities, segmentation is crucial. Your overall Won Opportunities count is a useful metric to have, but can give you much better and meaningful insights when segmented by region, rep name, or lead source. Take a look at the data visualizations for more examples of how to track your Won Opportunities data in a dashboard:

Won Opportunities visualization examples

Won Opportunities

Pie Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Won Opportunities data in a pie chart to identify the most prominent segment.

Won Opportunities

Bar Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Won Opportunities data in a bar chart to observe segmented data.

Won Opportunities


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Won Opportunities data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Won Opportunities


Measuring Won Opportunities

More about Won Opportunities

Sales cycles vary from business to business, but what is consistent is that every potential customer goes through a very similar set of stages. It's generally the same cycle whether or not it's a small purchase such as a pen at a stationary store, or a large multi-year consulting contract. For the buyer, this journey is often described as Awareness of Need > Consideration and Research > Decision and Purchase (and not to be forgotten Post Purchase Re-Assurance). Each of these stages can map to a stage in the sales process, such as Prospecting > Qualification > Needs Discovery > Proposal and Negotiation > Closed Won or Closed Lost. 

Numerically, Closed Won represents 100% probability of making the sale, where a stage such as Qualification might only account for 20%.

Analyzing Won Opportunities is an important part of sales management. Understanding what reps, what regions or countries, or which products perform well, or end up as Closed Lost, is crucial in understanding your go-to-market and sales efficiency.