Reactivation MRR

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Reactivation MRR

Reactivation MRR is the total amount of recurring revenue generated from reactivated customers who had previously cancelled services and have resumed a subscription within the current tracking period.

Reactivation MRR Formula

ƒ Sum(Reactivation MRR)

How to calculate Reactivation MRR

Say two customers, each paying $100 MRR, had cancelled their subscription last month but reactivated this month. Your total Reactivation MRR in this case would be $200.

Start tracking your Reactivation MRR data

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How to visualize Reactivation MRR?

You would likely be tracking Reactivation MRR along with your other revenue metrics such as total MRR, ARR, and NDR. There are a couple different ways to visualize this metric, but a line chart would have the best visual impact and allow you to easily observe changing trends. Take a look at an example of what it could look like to track Reactivation MRR on a dashboard:

Reactivation MRR visualization example

Reactivation MRR

Line Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Reactivation MRR data in a line chart over time.
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Reactivation MRR


Measuring Reactivation MRR

More about Reactivation MRR

 Reactivation MRR refers to churned customers who have returned to your business and have resumed contributing to your MRR. Depending on the size of your business and the industry you are in, Reactivation MRR can either belong to new MRR, or can be recognized as standalone revenue under the reactivation label. Generally, reactivation MRR decreases customer acquisition costs when compared to net new MRR. While it is associated with relatively lower CAC, reactivation MRR still has a cost. If this metric is constantly on an upward trend, make sure that the costs of reactivation are not exceeding your revenue. You may want to focus on retention rather than depend on discounts to bring back churned customers in order to avoid overwhelming your resources and further raising churn.

Recommended resources related to Reactivation MRR

Read more about the role of Reactivation MRR in growth.