Monthly Active Accounts
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Monthly Active Accounts?
Monthly Active Accounts measures the number of unique accounts with at least one user who has interacted with an application or platform in a month. An active account may include one or more users, who may each have varying degrees of activity.
Monthly Active Accounts Formula
How to calculate Monthly Active Accounts
An application has 100 accounts. 80 accounts contain at least one user who interacted with the application in a given month. The Active Accounts for that month is 80. Expressed as a percentage, 80% of accounts were active in that month.
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Get PowerMetrics FreeHow to visualize Monthly Active Accounts?
To best visualize your Monthly Active Accounts data, consider using a line chart to see changes in trend over time.
Monthly Active Accounts visualization example
Monthly Active Accounts
Line Chart
Monthly Active Accounts
Measuring Monthly Active AccountsMore about Monthly Active Accounts
In a SaaS context, Monthly Active Accounts measures the number of unique accounts, either free or paid, with at least one user who has interacted with an application or platform in a month. Monthly Active Accounts is one measure of the growth of an application’s usage over time and can be used in other contexts as well, for example, in financial forecasting. In this context, Monthly Active Accounts measures accounts accessing forecast dashboards every month.
In SaaS, the Monthly Active Accounts metric should not be used in isolation. It is important to measure Monthly Active Users in conjunction with Monthly Active Accounts. This is because there is a big difference in value and stickiness between an account with 50 users, of whom only 2 are active, and an account with 50 users, of whom 48 are active. The account with 48 active users is more likely to renew and expand their subscription, if we assume that activity is creating value for users.
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