Logo Churn

Last updated: Nov 12, 2023

What is Logo Churn

Logo Churn is the enemy of any subscription company. Logo Churn is the number or percentage of subscribers to a service that discontinue their subscription to that service in a given time period.

Logo Churn Formula

ƒ Count(Churned Customers This Period) / (Total # of Customers at the Beginning of the Period)

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What is a good Logo Churn benchmark?

For the SMB market, monthly Logo Churn is typically between 3-7%. For mid-market, this number is 1-2%. Expressed annually, best-in-class Logo Churn falls between 4-9%.

Logo Churn benchmarks

Annual Logo Retention by ACV

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SaaSCan and Benchmarkit, 2023
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How to visualize Logo Churn?

Use a summary chart to visualize your Logo Churn data and compare it to a previous time period.

Logo Churn visualization example

Logo Churn


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Logo Churn data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Logo Churn


Measuring Logo Churn

More about Logo Churn

In order for a company to expand its clients base, its growth rate (number of new customers) must exceed its churn rate (number of lost customers).

Customer Churn Rate is a critical KPI because (1) the cost of retaining a current customer is almost always less than attaining a new one, and (2) for businesses with recurring revenue models, keeping a customer can be worth hundreds and even thousands of dollars in future revenue (see Lifetime Value or LTV)

Logo Churn is almost aways analyzed along with MRR Churn rates. For example, a SaaS business might have monthly Logo Churn of 3%, but Net MRR Retention is still positive due to healthy MRR Expansion rates.

Due to the importance of keeping Customer Churn as low as possible, subscription based companies often have departments dedicated to engaging and improving relations with all customers, or re-activating lost customers.

This metric is interchangeable with Logo or Account Retention, which is simply the positive variation on churn. For example, 3% monthly Logo Churn, is the same as 97% monthly Account Retention.

Recommended resources related to Logo Churn

A great article by Lincoln Murphy on Churn and what's acceptable