Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise?
Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise measures how much a company’s value has grown since the previous round of capital funding.
Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise Formula
How to calculate Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise
Say a company was valued at $20M at the time of their series A funding. Three years later, the company is valued at $50M. The Growth in Valuation since the previous round of funding is therefore 150%.
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Get PowerMetrics FreeHow to visualize Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise?
It is best to visualize growth metrics with line charts. Use a line chart to track your growth in valuation since the previous raise - perhaps adding notes indicating the details of the raise. This will let you quickly and easily see how raised capital has had an impact on your valuation. Take a look at the example:
Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise visualization example
Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise
Line Chart
Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise
Measuring Growth in Valuation Since the Previous RaiseMore about Growth in Valuation Since the Previous Raise
In the most straight-forward scenario, tracking how your company’s valuation has grown since the previous raise can help you measure the direct benefit of funding on your company’s worth. However, you can also use this metric to track your capital efficiency, along with metrics such as the Burn Multiple and Bessemer Efficiency Score. These metrics are useful when pitching to potential investors for your next round of funding.
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