Marketing Automation Specialist
Email Unsubscribe Rate
Email Unsubscribe Rate is the percentage of email addresses...
Email Unsubscribes
Email Unsubscribes is the count of how many users unsubscrib...
Emails Bounced
Emails Bounced is the count of emails that were not successf...
Emails Delivered
Emails Delivered is the number of contacts who successfully...
Emails Opened
Emails Opened is the number of unique recipients who opened...
Emails Sent
Emails Sent is the number of contacts you sent your email to...
Goal Completions
A Goal represents a completed activity that you have defined...
Specific to Google Analytics, a Hit counts common interactio...
MQL to SQL Conversion Rate
MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) to SQL (Sales Qualified Lead)...
Page Engagement
Page Engagement is the count of interactions users have with...
The Referrals metric measures the number of potential custom...
Sales Qualified Leads
A Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a prospect that meets certai...