Charges Count
Changes Count measures the total number of Charges you have...
Customer Concentration
Customer Concentration is the percentage of your revenue tha...
Customer Retention Rate
Customer Retention Rate calculates the proportion of custome...
One of the most fundamental metrics, Customers is the total...
DAU Growth Rate
DAU Growth Rate is the increase in Daily Active Users over a...
Deviation from Target Churn Rate
Deviation from Target Churn measures how close or far away y...
Disputed Charges
Disputed Charges measures the total value of charges that ha...
Disputed Charges Count
Changes Count measures the total number of Charges you have...
Employee Growth by Function
Employee Growth by Function measures how each organizational...
Failed Charges
Failed Charges represents the total monetary value of any pa...
Failed Charges Count
Failed Charges Count is the total number of payments that ha...
Forecasted Number of Customers
Forecasted Number of Customers gives you the predicted numbe...