Financial Analyst
Payroll Expenses
Payroll Expenses refers to the total cost associated with hi...
Price-to-Earnings Ratio
The Price-to-Earnings Ratio is a company valuation metric th...
Purchases is the total amount of money spent on making purch...
Reactivation MRR
Reactivation MRR is the total amount of recurring revenue ge...
Refunded Charges
Refunded Charges measures the value of payments refunded to...
Refunded Charges Count
Refunded Charges Count tracks the total number of payments r...
Return on Incremental Invested Capital
Return on Incremental Invested Capital is an efficiency metr...
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Invested Capital is a profitability metric used to...
SaaS Magic Number
The SaaS Magic Number is a ratio showing yearly recurring r...
Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)
Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) is the percentage of S...
Serviceable Addressable Market
SAM measures the revenue opportunity of capturing a specific...
Serviceable Obtainable Market
Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) measures the realistic r...