Customer Success Manager
Propensity to Renew
Propensity to Renew is a measure of the likelihood a custome...
Renewal Rate
Renewal rate tracks churn and retention down to the month of...
Requester Wait Time
Requester Wait Time (Calendar) is the total combined time a...
Sales Cycle Length
Sales Cycle Length is the count of the number of days or mon...
Spend Lift
Lift in Spend is a loyalty metric that calculates the increa...
Ticket Reopen Rate
Ticket Reopen Rate (RR) is the percentage of solved tickets...
Ticket Reopens
Ticket Reopens shows how many attempts it takes to solve a c...
Ticket Resolution Rate
Ticket Resolution Rate is the percentage of tickets that wer...
Tickets Solved
Tickets Solved is the count of previously open and worked ti...
Time to Value
Time to Value (TTV) measures the duration between when a use...
Total Contract Value
Total Contract Value (TCV) is the sum value of a contract ov...
Transaction Recency
Transaction Recency measures the duration of time since a cu...