Chief Financial Officer
Hype Factor
Hype Factor is an efficiency metric that shows how efficient...
Lifetime Value to Cost of Acquisition Ratio
The Lifetime Value to Cost of Acquisition (LTV/CAC) Ratio te...
Logo Churn
Logo Churn is the enemy of any subscription company. Logo Ch...
MRR Growth Rate
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Growth Rate is the velocity...
Monthly Recurring Revenue
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the sum of all subscripti...
Natural Rate of Growth
Natural Rate of Growth measures the speed at which your comp...
Net Annual Recurring Revenue Added
Net Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) Added is the net change o...
Net Burn
Net Burn, often referred to as Burn Rate, is the amount a co...
Net Financial Debt
Net Financial Debt is a company’s non-operational debt that...
Net Income
Net Income is an accounting term that refers to the total re...
Net MRR Churn Rate
Net Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Churn Rate is the percen...
Net Operating Profit After Tax
Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) is a financial perfor...