Video Engagements
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Video Engagements?
Video Engagements is the count of engagements the viewer has with your video. Video Engagements include video views, likes, shares, link clicks, and other forms of interaction with a video.
Video Engagements Formula
How to calculate Video Engagements
Say you publish a video on Facebook which gets 5,000 views, 350 reactions, 100 shares, and 100 link clicks. Your count of Video Engagements for this video would be the total number of all engagements with your video, which is 5,550.
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Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data.
Get PowerMetrics FreeHow to visualize Video Engagements?
Visualize your Video Engagements data with a summary chart that compares your current value to a previous time period.
Video Engagements visualization example
Summary Chart
Video Engagements
Measuring Video EngagementsMore about Video Engagements
Videos are excellent at capturing the attention of your audience for longer periods of time, provided your content is structured in a way that evokes a sense of curiosity in your viewers. One way to keep your audience engaged is to add features within the video, such as a poll, quiz, or a call-to-action as part of the content. When your viewers perform these actions, it counts towards your Video Engagements. An engagement can range from Video Views, interacting with elements of the video, and following video links, to sharing, liking, and commenting on social media.
By tracking the number of Video Engagements your video gets, you measure the volume of engagement and can potentially watch this number grow over time. As with all other vanity metrics, make sure to track this metric alongside video metrics such as Video Cost per Conversion and Video Engagement Rate to view the bigger picture of the value added by video ads to your business.
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Start tracking your Video Engagements data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data.
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