Video Completions
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Video Completions?
A Video Completion refers to the number of times a video plays to the end.
Video Completions Formula
How to calculate Video Completions
You recently released a 1-minute explainer video on your social media channels. While 250 started to watch the video, only 150 watched it to the end. In this example, Video Completions is 100.
Start tracking your Video Completions data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Video Completions instantly.
What is a good Video Completions benchmark?
Video Completions for a video can be benchmarked against Video Completions for another video or collection of video content. Other potential considerations when benchmarking are the length of video (short-format vs. long-format), quartile completions, and audience retention rate.
How to visualize Video Completions?
Use a summary chart to visualize your Video Completions. This lets you compare the current value to a previous time period.
Video Completions visualization example
Summary Chart
Video Completions
Measuring Video CompletionsMore about Video Completions
Video Completion typically refers to the number of times a video plays to the end. Video Completion is often broken up into quartile metrics (e.g. 25% Complete, 50% Complete, 75% Complete, 100% Complete) to indicate levels of video engagement/retention, including views that skipped to that point. Some platforms, including LinkedIn, use a range (such as 97-100%) as their ultimate tier. It is important to read the metric definitions of each platform you use before making any comparisons.
The Video Completion metric is especially relevant for Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media, and Editorial/Production functions.
Recommended resources related to Video Completions
LinkedIn's video view metrics and definitionsGoogle's take on video metrics and definitionsContributor