Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) is the percentage of Search Impression Share lost out of the total eligible impressions, due to campaign budget. It is generally measured at the campaign level on digital advertising platforms.

Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) Formula

ƒ Sum(Impressions Lost Due to Budget) / Sum(Total Eligible Impressions)

How to calculate Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

An ad campaign that has 10,000 eligible impressions loses 1,000 impressions due to budget. Therefore, the Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) for this campaign is 10%.

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What is a good Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) benchmark?

There is no benchmark for this metric since it is subject to the campaign settings such as targeting, keyword coverage, ad quality, and more. However, it is desirable for Search Lost Impression Share to remain as close to 0% as possible.

How to visualize Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)?

It can be helpful to visualize Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) segmented by campaign, so you can identify the ad campaign that needs more resources to quickly address your lost impression share. Use a bar chart to segment your data this way.

Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) visualization example

Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

Bar Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Search Lost Impression Share (Budget) data in a bar chart to observe segmented data.
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Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)


Measuring Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

More about Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

Every ad campaign has a total number of impressions it is eligible for based on predetermined factors including budget, keywords, and bids. It is not always possible for a campaign to win 100% of those eligible impressions. When a campaign loses a portion of total eligible impressions, it results in lost search impression share.

There are a multitude of reasons for impression share loss. One main reason is the budget allotted to the campaign, which can restrict the number of times ads are displayed on the search network. Spend to Maximize Impression Share is a useful metric that can help calculate the budget that would result in minimal or no impression share loss.

Search Lost Impression Share represents lost potential. It means that your campaign could have won impressions but did not, due to factors that can be controlled and fixed. By tracking this metric regularly, you can significantly improve ad performance and get a better return on ad spend.

Recommended resources related to Search Lost Impression Share (Budget)

How to improve your impression share.