Inline Link Clicks

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Inline Link Clicks

Inline Link Clicks is the count of the number of times links posted in the contents of your ad are clicked on.

Inline Link Clicks Formula

ƒ Count(Inline Link Clicks)

How to calculate Inline Link Clicks

Your business creates a page on LinkedIn and posts a piece of content that contains inline links. This link is clicked 500 times, and this number is your total Inline Link Clicks.

Start tracking your Inline Link Clicks data

Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Inline Link Clicks instantly.

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How to visualize Inline Link Clicks?

You have mainly two options when visualizing your Inline Link Clicks data. First, a summary chart can help you get the most straightforward view of your data by displaying your current value, perhaps with a comparison to past values. Second, a bar chart can display your data segmented by geography, campaign, social media platform, or more, helping you fine tune your strategies specific to each target segment.

Inline Link Clicks visualization examples

Inline Link Clicks

Bar Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Inline Link Clicks data in a bar chart to observe segmented data.

Inline Link Clicks


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Inline Link Clicks data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Inline Link Clicks


Measuring Inline Link Clicks

More about Inline Link Clicks

An inline link is a clickable URL that is posted in the body or contents of an advertisement. This practice is common on social media ad platforms such as Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. When a user clicks on an inline link, the action counts toward the total number of inline link clicks for that ad. By tracking this metric, you can measure how effective your content is in converting casual readers to becoming more engaged users, while also redirecting them towards your website, online store, or other online resource that places them further in the funnel than merely awareness.