Emails Opened

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Emails Opened

Emails Opened is the number of unique recipients who opened your email. Because the number of people who open your email impacts every other downstream metric, such as clicks, it makes sense to pay special attention to this one.

Emails Opened Formula

ƒ Count(Emails Opened)

Start tracking your Emails Opened data

Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Emails Opened instantly.

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What is a good Emails Opened benchmark?

According to Campaign Monitor, the average Email Open Rate is 17.9% (Dec 2018). Mailchimp claims this number to be 20.8% (Mar 2018).

Emails Opened benchmarks

Email Open Rate by Industry

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Campaign Monitor, Dec 2018

Email Open Rate by Year

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SuperOffice, Jan 2019

Email Open Rate by Geography

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SuperOffice, Jan 2019

Email Open Rate with or without Name in Subject

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SuperOffice, Jan 2019

Email Open Rate by Day of Week

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SuperOffice, Jan 2019
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How to visualize Emails Opened?

Use a summary chart to visualize your Emails Opened data and compare it to a previous time period.

Emails Opened visualization example

Emails Opened


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Emails Opened data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Emails Opened


Measuring Emails Opened

More about Emails Opened

Optimizing the number of recipients who open your email is all about list quality, segmenting and targeting audience, your brand trust, and writing really good subject lines.

Keep in mind that over half of emails delivered are now being read on mobile devices. So, be obsessive about your "from", "subject", and "opening paragraph". Make sure they are mobile friendly.

The most important factor in opening any email is the senders name. Your brand reputation is therefore one of the most critical factors to protect. And the best way to build a strong and lasting brand relationship is by providing genuine value - segment your audience and make sure you don't send irrelevant content.

Recommended resources related to Emails Opened

Awesome article on Email Open Rates by SuperOffice