Email Hard Bounces

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Email Hard Bounces

Email Hard Bounces counts the number of emails that have not been successfully delivered to the recipient due to permanent, irreversible causes. Causes for hard bounces include invalid email addresses, errors in spelling, and email service shut down.

Email Hard Bounces Formula

ƒ Count(Email Hard Bounces)

How to calculate Email Hard Bounces

Say your company sends a newsletter to 1,000 contacts and you receive permanent delivery failures from 10 of these email addresses. You Email Hard Bounces count is 10.

Start tracking your Email Hard Bounces data

Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Email Hard Bounces instantly.

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How to visualize Email Hard Bounces?

Email bounces data is relatively straightforward to track. Use a summary chart to visualize your current values in comparison with a previous time period. Make sure you track other metrics alongside bounces, such as bounce rate, open rate, and CTOR.

Email Hard Bounces visualization example

Email Hard Bounces


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Email Hard Bounces data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Email Hard Bounces


Measuring Email Hard Bounces

More about Email Hard Bounces

There are three types of email bounces: hard bounces, soft bounces, and pending bounces. A hard bounce usually means an invalid email address, whereas soft and pending bounces generally indicate temporary problems or outages.

Email Hard Bounces indicate low quality contacts or an outdated email list. To avoid having most of your emails end up as hard bounces, frequently clean and update your email list and modify your email collection method to include a verification process.