Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click (CPC)
Last updated: Mar 28, 2024
What is Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click?
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click is the average amount of money spent per unique click on links contained in advertisements. It is calculated by dividing the sum of the money spent on ads by the total number of unique clicks on the links within the ads and is a variation of Cost Per Click (CPC).
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click Formula
How to calculate Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
A Facebook ad has an inline link to the company’s website. The money spent on the ad totals to $200 and there is a total of 400 unique clicks on the website link. The ad’s Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click is $0.50.
Start tracking your Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click instantly.
What is a good Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click benchmark?
According to a 2020 study of Facebook Ad benchmarks, the average cost per link click is $1.72.
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click benchmarks
Average Facebook Ads Cost per Click by Industry

Cost Per Click by Campaign Objective

How to visualize Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click?
You can use a simple summary chart to effectively visualize your overall Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click data. Additionally, you can segment this data by campaign using a bar chart to study your performance in more detail.
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click visualization examples
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
Bar Chart
Summary Chart
Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
Measuring Cost Per Unique Inline Link ClickMore about Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
Cost Per Click (CPC) has several variations that are most commonly tracked by marketers. The underlying concept of CPC is measuring the return on ad spend. Tracking the cost of unique clicks can help understand how many unique individuals have interacted with an ad campaign, therefore helping predict conversion rate.
An inline link is a clickable URL that is posted in the body or contents of an advertisement. This practice is common on social media ad platforms such as Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. When a user clicks on an inline link, the total number of unique inline link clicks for that ad increases by one. The sum of Ad Spend for an ad divided by the number of unique inline link clicks generated by the ad gives Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click.
Recommended resources related to Cost Per Unique Inline Link Click
How to lower bounce rates and raise page views with inline links.Contributors
