Cost Per Unique Click (CPC)
Last updated: Mar 07, 2025
What is Cost Per Unique Click?
Cost Per Unique Click is the average amount of money spent for each unique click on links in advertisements. Generally, unique clicks include link clicks, clicks to view profile pages, engagement such as likes and shares, and clicks to view media.
Cost Per Unique Click Formula
How to calculate Cost Per Unique Click
A company spent $100 out of their maximum budget on a Facebook ad campaign which received 500 unique clicks so far. The Cost Per Unique Click for this campaign is $0.20.
Explore Cost Per Unique Click sample data
This visualization is a live embed from Klipfolio PowerMetrics.
Start tracking your Cost Per Unique Click data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Cost Per Unique Click instantly.
What is a good Cost Per Unique Click benchmark?
According to a 2020 study of Facebook Ad benchmarks, the average cost per link click is $1.72.
Cost Per Unique Click benchmarks
Average Facebook Ads Cost per Click by Industry

How to visualize Cost Per Unique Click?
You can use a simple summary chart to effectively visualize your overall Cost Per Unique Click data. Additionally, you can segment this data by campaign using a bar chart to study your performance in more detail.
Cost Per Unique Click visualization examples
Cost Per Unique Click
Bar Chart
Summary Chart
Cost Per Unique Click
Measuring Cost Per Unique ClickMore about Cost Per Unique Click
Cost Per Unique Click helps measure the return on ad spend by calculating the average campaign spend on each unique click the ad campaign has received. Unique clicks, as opposed to Cost Per Click (CPC) which includes multiple clicks from the same person, represents the number of individuals who have clicked the advertisement. Clicks are a broad range of actions that includes link clicks, profile page clicks, likes, shares, and clicks to expand and view media.
It is important to understand how your ad platform of choice calculates these metrics. For example, Facebook Ads uses estimated figures based on an internal forecasting model to measure Cost Per Unique Click, Cost Per Link Click, number of unique clicks, and other metrics.
Recommended resources related to Cost Per Unique Click
5 ways to lower your Facebook Ads CPC.Contributors
