Campaign Impressions
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Campaign Impressions?
Campaign Impressions is a count of the total number of times digital advertisements within a campaign are shown. A campaign is a grouping of ads organized by business objective.
Campaign Impressions Formula
How to calculate Campaign Impressions
You look into your ad account and see that you have been running 3 different campaigns. A campaign that is not attaining the results you want may not have as many impressions as you expected to get, and can mean that the campaign should be reevaluated to make adjustments. Campaign 1: 20,471 impressions Campaign 2: 11,362 impressions Campaign 3: 10,995 impressions Campaign 4: 16,148 impressions This means that Campaign 1 is being displayed more often. This means that this one also has the highest likelihood of being clicked. Campaign 3 is receiving the least amount of impressions meaning that you may want to revise the ads to try to increase relevance.
Start tracking your Campaign Impressions data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Campaign Impressions instantly.
How to visualize Campaign Impressions?
The best data visualization for Campaign Impressions is a summary chart to measure the current value versus previous time periods.
Campaign Impressions visualization example
Summary Chart
Campaign Impressions
Measuring Campaign ImpressionsMore about Campaign Impressions
If you are trying to better understand the performance of multiple campaigns , Impressions may be a good place to start. Campaign Impressions will tell you how many times all of the ads within a specific campaign have been displayed. A rule of thumb is that without a sufficient amount of impressions, you probably won’t reach your targets for ad clicks or conversions.
Some ad networks like Facebook and Google will display ads that it deems more relevant, more often. This means that your most relevant ads will receive the most Impressions. This can be a good signal to follow when you are new to running ads or running a new campaign. You may want to rely on the campaigns or ads that are receiving the most impressions and revise or stop the campaigns receiving fewer impressions.
Metric Toolkit
Start tracking your Campaign Impressions data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Campaign Impressions instantly.