Campaign Engagement Rate
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Campaign Engagement Rate?
Campaign Engagement Rate is the sum of total engagement with an ad campaign divided by the sum of total impressions the campaign has generated. It gives the percentage of ad impressions that have resulted in actual interactions with the ad campaign.
Campaign Engagement Rate Formula
How to calculate Campaign Engagement Rate
A LinkedIn ad campaign gathers 20,000 impressions in one week. In that same week, the ad gets a total of 1,000 reactions, shares, and comments as well as 500 ad clicks. The Campaign Engagement Rate for the ad campaign in that week is 1500/20,000 which is 7.5%.
Start tracking your Campaign Engagement Rate data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Campaign Engagement Rate instantly.
How to visualize Campaign Engagement Rate?
Your Campaign Engagement Rate should ideally increase over time. A line chart can help you visualize this growth in engagement over time. Check out the example:
Campaign Engagement Rate visualization example
Campaign Engagement Rate
Line Chart
Campaign Engagement Rate
Measuring Campaign Engagement RateMore about Campaign Engagement Rate
Campaign Engagement Rate measures engagement with an ad campaign as a percentage of the total number of impressions gathered by the campaign. Observing this rate over time can help calibrate the effectiveness of ad campaigns.
On certain advertising platforms, such as LinkedIn, ad campaign owners are charged for each initial engagement per unique user that interacts with an ad, known as cost per click. Therefore, tracking Campaign Engagement Rate provides insight into the return on ad spend. Additionally, Campaign Engagement rate shows the percentage of total possible engagements the campaign has generated, meaning that any number less than 100% is an opportunity to revise the campaign to increase its effectiveness. However, it is unlikely that an ad campaign will reach 100% engagement, so it is better to aim to reach as close to this number as possible.
Metric Toolkit
Start tracking your Campaign Engagement Rate data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Campaign Engagement Rate instantly.