People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team measures the percentage of team members whose proportion in the team, company, industry, or other subset, is less than their proportion in the general population.

People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team Formula

ƒ Count(Team Members from Underrepresented Minority Groups) / Count(Total Members in Team)

How to calculate People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

A 100-person team with 30 team members who identify themselves as belonging to an underrepresented minority group has a 30% People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team.

Start tracking your People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team data

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How to visualize People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team?

Tracking your diversity metrics in a dashboard can be a great way to encourage equality and diversity in the workplace. Track your data in a summary chart or metric view to keep an eye on the current value and observe the change in value compared to a previous time period. For example:

People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team visualization example

People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team


Measuring People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

More about People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team, usually expressed as a percentage, is a diversity and inclusion metric that measures the percentage of the total team composed of people who are from underrepresented minority groups. This is inclusive of any identifier including but not limited to race, ethnicity, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Inclusive workplaces and investments are a crucial step in creating a safe, fair, and equal environment for employees. By measuring inclusion metrics, companies gain awareness of the current level of inclusivity at their workplace. This awareness can lead to conscious improvements in inclusive workplace practices, leading to a work culture that benefits from improved innovation, growth, retention, and overall well-being that comes with diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Recommended resources related to People from Underrepresented Minority Groups in the Team

Read Diversio’s white paper on measuring inclusion.