Full-Time Employees
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Full-Time Employees?
Full-Time Employees generally work more than 4 days or 30 hours a week and are permanently employed, as opposed to being temporary or seasonal. In many countries, a Full-Time Employee is also entitled to health-care benefits and vacation pay among other legal employment standards.
Full-Time Employees Formula
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Full-Time Employees benchmarks
Number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Employees by ARR

How to visualize Full-Time Employees?
Use a summary chart to visualize your Full-Time Employees data and compare it to a previous time period.
Full-Time Employees visualization example
Summary Chart
Full-Time Employees
Measuring Full-Time EmployeesMore about Full-Time Employees
Contractors, students, volunteers, and any other temporary staff are not counted as a Full-Time Employee.
Other employee classifications are part-time, contract, and student / intern. For financial purposes, a calculated value of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) is often used to understand the total contribution of all employee classifications.