Employee Turnover Rate

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Employee Turnover Rate

Employee Turnover Rate is the percentage of employees who voluntarily or involuntarily leave an organization (typically calculated annually). You should consider voluntary and involuntary categories separately, in addition to looking at overall Employee Turnover Rate.

Employee Turnover Rate Formula

ƒ Count(Employees who have left) / (Sum(beginning + ending number of employees) / 2)

How to calculate Employee Turnover Rate

Company total at beginning of the year = 100 Number of employees that left = 6 Company total at end of year = 94 6 / ((100 + 94) / 2) = 6.4% annual employee turnover

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How to visualize Employee Turnover Rate?

A line chart can help you optimally visualize your Employee Turnover Rate data by letting you see how this metric trends over time. You can then adjust your strategy to meet your goals.

Employee Turnover Rate visualization example

Employee Turnover Rate

Line Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your Employee Turnover Rate data in a line chart over time.
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Employee Turnover Rate


Measuring Employee Turnover Rate

More about Employee Turnover Rate

Employee turnover, as a top level metric, includes employees who leave by choice and those who are dismissed, retire, or lose their certification.

This data can prompt you to ask important questions such as who is leaving and why and whether there’s a time when more people tend to leave.

Understanding the reasons for voluntary turnover can help you improve employee engagement and retention and can shed light on your management practices and overall company culture.