Refunded Charges Count

Last updated: Oct 12, 2022

What is Refunded Charges Count

Refunded Charges Count tracks the total number of payments refunded to your customers.

Refunded Charges Count Formula

ƒ Count(Refunded Charges)

How to calculate Refunded Charges Count

Over a one month period, say you issued refunds to 20 customers. At the end of this month, your Refunded Charges Count would be 20.

Start tracking your Refunded Charges Count data

Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Refunded Charges Count instantly.

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How to visualize Refunded Charges Count?

Use a summary chart to keep an eye on the total number of refunded charges in comparison with a previous time period.

Refunded Charges Count visualization example

Refunded Charges Count


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vs previous period

Summary Chart

Here's an example of how to visualize your current Refunded Charges Count data in comparison to a previous time period or date range.
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Refunded Charges Count


Measuring Refunded Charges Count

More about Refunded Charges Count

Refunded Charges Count is the count of refunded payments you make to your customers. When your customer requests a refund that you grant, your payment processing platform submits a refund request to your customer’s bank or card issuer and also notifies your customer that the refund has been initiated (provided you have enabled the option for your payment processing platform to email your customers about refunds).

While it is useful to track the number of refunds issued to customers, you might find that it helps to track this number along with other metrics such as Payment Refund Rate and Refunded Charges.

Recommended resources related to Refunded Charges Count

Read more about refunds from Stripe.