Enterprise Value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA)
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Enterprise Value to EBITDA?
Enterprise Value to Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EV/EBITDA) or Enterprise Multiple, is a measure of a company’s value mainly used to evaluate acquisition targets.
Enterprise Value to EBITDA Formula
How to calculate Enterprise Value to EBITDA
A company has a market capitalization of $50M, debt of $1M, cash to the amount of $400K, and an EBITDA of $5M. Enterprise Value is market cap + debt - cash which is $50M + $1M - $0.4M = $50.6M. EV / EBITDA would be $50.6M/$5M which is 10.12x.
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Get PowerMetrics FreeHow to visualize Enterprise Value to EBITDA?
Represent your EV/EBITDA as a summary chart or metric chart on your dashboard. This will give you the maximum visual impact by displaying the current value in comparison with a previous time period. Take a look at the example:
Enterprise Value to EBITDA visualization example
Summary Chart
Enterprise Value to EBITDA
Measuring Enterprise Value to EBITDAMore about Enterprise Value to EBITDA
EV/EBITDA is the ratio between a company's enterprise value and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Enterprise Value (EV) is calculated by adding market capitalization to debt and subtracting cash and cash equivalents, while EBITDA calculates earnings from a company's core operations less tax, interest, depreciation, and amortization.
This ratio can be used to compare the value of multiple businesses and can be particularly helpful when comparing businesses from different geographies because it disregards the implications of varied tax regulations and other location-based differences. EV/EBITDA is mainly used by investors to evaluate a company before acquisition to determine how much they would have to pay for a single dollar of earnings.
In the most simplistic view, a company with low EV/EBITDA can be considered low risk for acquisition, because it suggests that the stock is undervalued and that you would have to spend less for each dollar earned. However, a higher EV/EBITDA could also be a symptom of high growth where current earnings are low, with a promise of future earnings. What is considered a low or high EV/EBITDA depends on industry.