Disputed Charges Count
Last updated: Oct 12, 2022
What is Disputed Charges Count?
Changes Count measures the total number of Charges you have made to your customers. Use this metric to have an overall view of how many payments you have accepted from your customers for the products or services you sold.
Disputed Charges Count Formula
How to calculate Disputed Charges Count
If you receive 15 disputes in one week and 20 disputes in the next week, then your Disputed Charges Count is 35 at the end of those two weeks.
Start tracking your Disputed Charges Count data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Disputed Charges Count instantly.
How to visualize Disputed Charges Count?
Use a summary chart to keep track of your Disputed Charges Count in comparison to a previous time period. Use this to ensure the number goes down over time.
Disputed Charges Count visualization example
Summary Chart
Disputed Charges Count
Measuring Disputed Charges CountMore about Disputed Charges Count
Disputed Charges Count measures the total number of challenged payments that could potentially result in chargebacks. A chargeback is when your payment processing platform deducts a disputed charge amount from your account to settle the dispute. You would generally also be charged with a dispute fee in addition to the original dispute amount, as well as any currency conversion fees and disparities.
To avoid disputed charges, make sure you communicate with your customers in a timely fashion. Respond to your customer complaints and issue refunds where applicable, preventing disputed charges that would go through anyway if you are determined to be in the wrong by the card issuer and the payment gateway.
If you do not accept the dispute, you are required to submit evidence to your payment processing platform for the dispute to be ruled in your favor in genuine cases. If you do not respond to the dispute within the evidence submission date assigned to you, there will be a chargeback in most cases, resulting in the disputed amount being deducted from your account automatically.
Disputed Charges Count Frequently Asked Questions
How do chargebacks hurt my business?
If a disputed charge goes through, you face a chargeback where the disputed amount is taken from your account and credited to the customer. Chargebacks hurt your business by costing you additional fees even if the chargeback is canceled, as well as hurting your reputation.
Recommended resources related to Disputed Charges Count
Read the documentation on Disputes and Fraud from Stripe.Metric Toolkit
Start tracking your Disputed Charges Count data
Use Klipfolio PowerMetrics, our free analytics tool, to monitor your data. Choose one of the following available services to start tracking your Disputed Charges Count instantly.