Priyaanka Arora
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Contributed Metrics
Text Message Clicks
Text Message Clicks counts the number of times people have clicked on the option to send a text message to the number linked in your social media profile page. This option is available as a contact method for businesses on social media platforms such as Instagram.
Product Qualified Leads
Product Qualified Leads (PQL) measures the quality of potential customers by classifying them according to their actions and usage within the product platform. Certain actions in the scope of the product that indicate high intention to purchase are weighted higher and used to classify leads as PQLs.
Cost Per Pixel
Cost Per Pixel (CPP) is the average amount of money spent on conversions from tracking pixels in advertisements. A tracking pixel is a piece of code that enables collection and usage of user behavioural data to display targeted ads relevant to the user.
Activation Rate
Activation Rate helps companies determine how quickly and effectively their new users are achieving perceived value. It measures the number of new users that have performed a predetermined “key action” within a set period of time, where the key action is assumed or known to deliver initial customer value.
Email Hard Bounces
Email Hard Bounces counts the number of emails that have not been successfully delivered to the recipient due to permanent, irreversible causes. Causes for hard bounces include invalid email addresses, errors in spelling, and email service shut down.
Customer Concentration
Customer Concentration is the percentage of your revenue that comes from a single client.