Pablo Srugo
Seed VCI'm an expert in
Contributed Metrics
Gross MRR Churn Rate
Gross Monthly Recurring Revenue Churn Rate (Gross MRR Churn Rate) is the percentage of recurring revenue lost due to both cancellation and downgrades. Note that it is common to express this metric as a monthly rate, though it can also be expressed as Gross ARR Churn Rate.
Out of Cash Date
Out of Cash Date gives you a rough estimate of when you will be out of cash. This metric is most often expressed as the number of months before Cash Out. This is a useful metric for CEOs and CFOs who are managing companies that are not profitable yet.
Customer Lifetime Value
The Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) metric indicates the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from a single customer account. It considers a customer's revenue value and compares that number to the company's predicted customer lifespan. Businesses use this metric to identify their most valuable customer segments.