SEO / SEM Metrics

The most important SEO and SEM metrics and KPIs. Learn about what metrics and KPIs are best for you or contribute your own.

Crawl Budget

A crawl budget refers to the number of page bots from Google crawl and index on a website within a given timeframe. It affects how often and how many of your pages are indexed by Google. For example, if your website has a large number of pages but only a portion of them are indexed, it may indicate that your budget is being allocated inefficiently. This means that Googlebot is not spending enough time crawling and indexing important pages on your website, which could impact your search engine visibility. Another key aspect of this budget optimization is monitoring your website's log files to track how search engine bots are crawling your site. This data can provide valuable insights into crawl patterns, potential issues, and areas for improvement. When you understand and manage your crawl budget, you boost the chances of showing your content to your target audience.

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Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). DA is not an authority metric used by Google in determining search rankings but, instead, a third-party tool used for benchmarking and competitive link analysis. It is also a relative measure, meaning that it is most useful when comparing one domain's authority to another rather than as an absolute score of a website's traffic and performance.

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Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is an SEO metric that predicts the effort required to rank on the first page of search engine results for a specific keyword. This metric is crucial for anyone involved in SEO as it influences the strategic direction of content plans and marketing campaigns—the higher the keyword "difficulty," the more challenging it is to rank for that keyword.

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Keyword Ranking

Keyword ranking refers to the position of a website or webpage in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for a specific keyword or search term. It measures how well a website or webpage ranks compared to its competitors when someone searches for a particular keyword. When a website ranks higher in the search results, it's more likely to be seen by users. This can lead to increased organic traffic and visibility. That’s why businesses should pay attention to their keyword rank and strive to improve them.

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Organic Searches

Organic Search is the measure of visits to a website that come from naturally generated search engine results. These results are not influenced by any paid search activity and are driven purely by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.

Percent New Users

Percent New Users gives the percentage of new users that visit a website out of the total number of users that have visited the website. By tracking the percentage of new users, you can better understand the behavioural patterns of your audience, including how likely they are to return to your website.

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Reach per Million Users

Reach is an Alexa Web Search metric that measures the number of people who have the Alexa toolbar or extension installed and who saw your content. If your website has a Reach score of 5,000, this means that 5,000 people out of a sample of 1 million, who have the toolbar or extension installed, saw your site yesterday.


A Session, sometimes called a Visit, is the set of interactions, or web requests, made within a given time frame by a single user visiting a specific website. A single Session often contains multiple activities, such as page views, events, or transactions. In web analytics, a session is either capped by exiting the website or by a period of user inactivity.

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Users is the count of both new and returning visitors to your website. They are usually tracked by a client ID assigned to each unique user the first time they visit your website.

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Website Bounce Rate

Website Bounce Rate measures the percentage of website sessions that are single-page sessions. A single-page session is when a user exits a website after interacting with a single page only. Interactions, also called Engagement Hits or interaction events by Google Analytics, can include: page views, social shares, e-commerce transactions, CTA interactions, and more.

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Website Bounces

Website Bounces is the count of sessions that trigger only one request. For example, when a page is opened and then exited without triggering any other activity. Website Bounces are often presented as Bounce Rate, which is simply the count of single page visits divided by total visits to the page.

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Website Clicks

Website Clicks counts the number of times people clicked on the link to your website on your social media profile page. Most social media platforms allow businesses to link to at least one website on the profile page.

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