All Metrics

Learn more about the metrics that matter the most to your business success.

Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the cost a business incurs to acquire a new customer. This includes the fully loaded costs associated with sales and marketing to attract a potential customer and to convince them to purchase, divided across all new customers.

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Customer Acquisition Cost Ratio

CAC Ratio is a measure of sales and marketing efficiency.

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Customer Concentration

Customer Concentration is the percentage of your revenue that comes from a single client.

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Customer Conversion Rate

Customer Conversion Rate is the percentage of contacts that convert to won customers

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Customer Effort Score

Customer Effort Score (CES) is a measure of how easy or difficult it is for customers to interact with your company, for example, to make a purchase, to access a free trial, to resolve a problem, to navigate your website, or to get something done in your product. It’s measured by surveying customers after a specific interaction, and asking them to rate how easy or difficult it was to do what they wanted to do. Examples of difficult or high-effort interactions are ones that add friction for customers, for example, making them repeat information, interact with multiple people or screens, or wade through generic content to find information relevant to them.

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Customer Health Score

A Customer Health Score is a single, calculated number that reflects a customer’s health across multiple dimensions. By monitoring Customer Health Scores, you can detect early signals of increased friction or declining customer engagement. You can also identify highly engaged and loyal clients, who would make excellent advocates.

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Customer Lifetime Value

The Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) metric indicates the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from a single customer account. It considers a customer's revenue value and compares that number to the company's predicted customer lifespan. Businesses use this metric to identify their most valuable customer segments.

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Customer Retention Rate

Customer Retention Rate calculates the proportion of customers in a particular period that are retained into the next period.

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Customer Satisfaction

CSAT is a measure of the level of satisfaction that a customer has with a company’s products and/or services, most often provided by the customer as part of a survey. It is commonly used as an indicator of a customer’s loyalty to a company.

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One of the most fundamental metrics, Customers is the total count of paying patrons of your business. Without paying customers there is no growth and no value in your business. To accurately assess your customer base, it's important to track new and returning customers as they play a different role in your business. New Customers refer to users who just signed up or made their first purchase with your company while Returning Customers are those who have already made a purchase in the past.

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DAU Growth Rate

DAU Growth Rate is the increase in Daily Active Users over a period of time, typically represented in a percentage. It can be a good indicator of successful sales and marketing efforts, as well as an indicator of good product-market fit.

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DAU/MAU Ratio (Daily Active Users to Monthly Active Users ratio) measures how active monthly users are on a daily basis. In other words, this engagement metric measures the number of days in each month that users performed an activity that qualifies them as active users. A higher DAU/MAU Ratio generally indicates high stickiness, meaning users consistently return to the app.

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