All Metrics

Learn more about the metrics that matter the most to your business success.

Failed Charges Count

Failed Charges Count is the total number of payments that have failed for reasons including declined payments, blocked payments, and invalid payments.

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Feed Subscribers

Feed Subscribers is the count of the number of people who have indicated they want to receive your content. This metric is essential to bloggers and helps you leverage a blog as part of your marketing initiatives.

Financial Debt

Financial Debt is a company's non-operational debt. With low interest rates and a supply of lenders, debt in non-financial corporations has steadily risen in the past 15 years, benefiting some companies, but putting others at risk.

First Contact Resolution Rate

First Contact Resolution Rate (FCR Rate) is the percentage of customer contacts that are resolved on the first interaction with the customer. If a customer's issue can be resolved on the first contact, it eliminates the need for either the agent or the customer to follow up.

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First Contact Resolution Tickets

First Contact Resolution Tickets is the count of customer tickets that are marked as solved by agents on the first attempt. Whether it's a single phone call, a chat conversation or an email response - the customer leaves happy and so does your staff!

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First Response Time

First Response Time (FRT) is the average amount of time an agent takes to provide an initial response to a customer inquiry or support ticket. The speed at which you acknowledge a customer's question is a reflection of your commitment to customer satisfaction and the maturity and efficiency of your call centre.

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Followers is the number of users who have chosen to follow another user’s or company’s posts, such as via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. It is a quantitative metric used to gauge how well you are building an audience and community around your brand.

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Forecasted Number of Customers

Forecasted Number of Customers gives you the predicted number of customers your company will have over a given period of time. Though there are multiple ways to forecast customer count, the simplest calculation is to multiply your leads with your average close rate.

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Form Completions

Form Completions is the count of unique submissions of a form displayed on a website. Businesses use forms for multiple purposes, ranging from customer support to product inquiries. Tracking this metric is a good way to gather standardized information from customers or gauge interest in a product or brand.

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Form Installs

Form Installs is the count of forms installed on your website. Tracking this number gives you a high-level view of the number of possible form-based interactions with your customers.

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Form Interactions

Form Interactions is the count of interactions that users have had with your web form. An interaction includes clicks, form entries, clicking a field to fill in information, and form abandonment. By tracking Form Interactions, you can learn where and why users abandon your forms, and how to modify your form to best capture your target audience.

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Form Views

A Form View is the count of user views of a page containing a form. It is different from Form Submissions because the user does not have to submit the form for it to count as a view.

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